22 Sep Landlord Accountant in Wigan
Landlord Accountant
Landlord Accountant specialising in Property Landlords & Property Developers!
Firstly the range and scope for a Property Accountant is varied and vast. Included in this sector are Landlords and Property Developers along with Builders and Commercial Investors.
Any individual who receives income from letting a property has to declare it to HM Revenue & Customs, even if they do not make a profit.
Tax50 has an Accounting Solution designed for residential landlords with one or more properties. Landlords can take advantage of our comprehensive accountancy service that includes preparation of rental accounts and the related Self Assessment Tax Return.
For landlords with three or more properties we will provide a fixed fee Accounts Solution.
We have a track record of success and work for a wide range of land and property owners, ranging from single-office businesses to multi-office corporate's. Our aim is to help you leverage your success while protecting you from economic downturns.
If you are a land or property owner, an estate agent, architect or surveyor and you want to run a successful business, you need advice that's tailored to your area of expertise. We offer you the reassurance of a team of experts who don't just understand the issues that affect you; but can turn that understanding into action.
Whatever the size of your business or development portfolio, Tax50 can help. With expertise spanning both residential and commercial projects, Tax50 understands all the issues you face. From accounting and finance to tax and business structure we can help you plan to avoid the pitfalls. Tax50 is an excellent Landlord Accountant.
Tax50 can help you identify the specific risk areas relating to the employment status of your Sub Contractors and ensure that you meet all statutory obligations, whilst keeping your administrative burden to an absolute minimum.
To assist you, Tax50 is able to provide accurate and timely records. This includes monthly returns and Revenue Clearance of C.I.S. sub contractor status. We will also advise on the 'Verification Status' to confirm whether a sub contractor should be paid gross or net along with the correct rate of Tax Deduction.
We are experts in administrating the C.I.S. Scheme correctly and running it alongside your PAYE Scheme in real time. Allow Tax50 to take the burden of compliance off your hands to help you concentrate on running your business.
LETS TALK: 01942 - 538 239
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